Hop on the LGU P4 DILG bandwagon
Hop on the LGU P4 DILG bandwagon
WHAT is this P4 Program for local govern-ment units(LGUs)? What is the difference between P4 and P3, or public-private partnership? What is the role of the Depart-ment of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) in the promotion of P3/P4 at the local government level?
DILG memorandum circular (MC) issued. Last Tuesday, September 6, Secretary Ismael D. Sueño signed an MC setting into motion the department’s LGU P4 initiative. P4 stands for PPP for the People. The Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines, private-sector umbrella organizations, PPP Center and the DILG family witnessed the issuance of this landmark regulation.
Clear message telegraphed. The messages are clear. The DILG wants to shift the focus of PPPs, from being pure transactions and project-based to being transformational and focused on the public good. PPPs must be advanced to serve the people, hence, the fourth P. And the “people” should not be confined to people in Metro Manila, urban centers and Luzon. Secretary Sueño underscored the need to have more projects in Mindanao and the Visayas.